Alberto Bordino

Alberto Bordino

PhD Student in Statistics at the University of Warwick

University of Warwick


I am a third year PhD student of the Warwick Centre for Doctoral Training in Mathematics and Statistics, working under the supervision of Dr Thomas Berrett on Nonparametric methods for Missing and Heterogeneous Data. My research interests include Nonparametric Statistics and Statistical Learning Theory.

Before joining the CDT programme in Warwick, I obtained a M.Sc. in Stochastics and Data Science at the University of Turin, working under the supervision of Professor Stefano Favaro, and a B.Sc. in Mathematics at the University of Turin, during which I was recipient of the INdAM scholarship.

Selected awards:

  • Google Deepmind travel award for AABI 2024.
  • Silver Medal, awarded to the best graduate of the M.Sc. in Stochastics and Data Science at the University of Turin for the a.y. 2021/22.
  • INdAM scholarship for Bachelor Degree in Mathematics, granted by Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM). Ranked 7th in Italy

Visit also my academic website.

  • Nonparametric Statistics
  • Minimax Theory
  • Statistical Learning Theory
  • M.Sc. in Stochastics and Data Science, 2022

    Turin University, Italy

  • B.Sc. in Mathematics, 2020

    Turin University, Italy